If a medical emergency were to happen to someone sitting near me I want to Be Prepared to assist while the paramedics get to the station. I also noticed that my office does not have an adequate first aid kit. We only have regular band-aids in the office. There are actually 3 other Eagle Scouts where I work but our office is still not prepared if someone has a life threatening medical emergency. So here is a list of the items in my Level 1 First Aid Kit:
Various size Band-Aids
Butterfly Band-Aids
Several Gauze pads
Several Surgipads for bleeding
Several Kendall Telfa Antimicrobial Non-Adherent Dressings
Non-latex gloves
Cotton balls
Non-aspirin and aspirin
Antibiotic Ointment
Safety pins
Tape for dressings
Alcohol prep pads
Antiseptic Hand wipes
Electrolyte Tablets
Iodine prep pad
Paper bag for those about to vomit on the train (it's never any fun to sit on the train when someone vomits all over the seat and floor)
I also intend to include a couple of CPR shields
Here are a few pictures of my Level 1 First Aid Kit:
Live the Motto - Be Prepared
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