Thursday, December 29, 2011

Be Prepared: Dakota Fire Pit

In the Boy Scouts we learned various fire building techniques including how to build a Dakota Fire Pit.  If you do not know, a Dakota Fire Pit is a below ground pit with a separate air tunnel that feeds the pit fire with oxygen.  This technique gives you an efficient burning fire that requires less wood to produce cooking coals than normal above ground fires.  In addition, since the fire burns more efficiently there is less smoke which means less chance of being detected by others if you are bugging out or just outdoors at your retreat.

Below are a few photos and a video of the Dakota Fire Pit in action.

Live the Motto - Be Prepared!

Dakota Fire Pit Location

Main pit hole dug

Used a stake and piece of concrete to drill air tunnel

View of air tunnel in main pit

Dakota Fire Pit completed

Fire nicely burning

View of fire from air tunnel side                    


1 comment:

  1. That's interesting. Living in suburbia, anything outside of a $300 'outdoor fireplace' will stir up the neighbors and send the keystone cops.. err.. code enforcement officers running to our door. But that seems obscure, so maybe they won't notice. Will try it out next weekend.
